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ACHIEVEMENT – “a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage or skill”

The Charlotte ACES train, support and encourage our team members as they work toward their personal goal of achievement. Competition reveals the characteristics of resilience, determination and teamwork. All which will serve them well on their journey.


CULTURE – “the customs, arts, social institutions and achievements of a particular nation, people or other social group”

The Charlotte ACES culture begins with the love of God. We establish long lasting relationships that have become a network of support. We help up, we give back, we move forward – together.

We are our brothers and sisters’ keeper. We love hard and play harder.

EDUCATION – “an enlightening experience”

Our goal is the enlightenment of a college experience for our athletes. Education changes lives, it uplifts and empowers. Without education there is little opportunity to advance and many roads to nowhere.

SPORT – an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual competes…”

The Charlotte ACES train and develop the skills needed to compete. We believe in making your opponent earn every point, always giving our very best. This value is required in every facet of life. Respect others by doing your best in everything you do.

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